- Title:
chibi and nerd
- Comment
definitely the first run
- Uploaded:
a month ago
- Time played
- Factorio version:
- Seed:
- Player count
- Mods:
acorns-quick-start 1.3.0
base 2.0.21
belt-visualizer 2.0.2
squeak-through-2 0.1.2
VehicleSnap 2.0.0
AGNClusterioBiterControl 0.0.7
chest-auto-sort 1.3.0
deep-storage-unit 1.6.4
DiscoScience 2.0.1
ElectricFurnacesRevamp 1.1.1
ElectricTrainFix 1.1.6
elevated-rails 2.0.21
est-tiny-storage-tank 1.1.1
even-distribution 2.0.2
far-reach 2.0.0
Fill4Me 0.12.1
flib 0.15.0
FluidMustFlow 1.4.0
FNEI 0.4.5
ghost-counter 2.0.1
inventory-repair 20.0.2
Kux-CoreLib 3.14.2
Load-Furn-2-SpaceAgeFix 0.2.10
material-storage 0.5.4
mferrari_lib 0.1.6
mining-patch-planner 1.6.27
pipe_plus 0.0.10
pump 2.1.2
qol_research 3.4.0
quality 2.0.21
RenaiTransportation 2.0.1
Repair_Turret 2.0.2
show-max-underground-distance 0.1.0
some-autoresearch 2.0.6
Unlimited-Resources-Oil-Refresh-Cargo-Ship-Compat 2.1.4
Warehousing 1.0.1
yafla 0.1.11
BottleneckLite 1.3.2
CircuitHUD-V2 2.0.1
compaktcircuit 2.0.8
fluid-memory-storage 1.7.5
holographic_signs 2.0.5
RateCalculator 3.3.2
Smart_Inserters 2.0.12
space-age 2.0.21
StatsGui 1.6.1
Advanced-Electric-Revamped-v16 0.7.3
Better_Robots_Extended 1.1.4
factorissimo-2-notnotmelon 3.6.4
Krastorio2Roboports 1.2.1
Kux-SlimInserters 3.0.21
loaders-modernized 0.7.8
prismatic-quality 0.0.4
slp-dyson-sphere-reworked 1.0.1
Waterfill_v17 2.0.4
blueprint-sandboxes 2.1.8